Hear radar waves

Peter Heckert ph741 at z.zgs.de
Thu Nov 5 18:18:04 EST 1998


I just wont to contribute my own thougts to your posting.

wdr at world.std.com schrieb in Nachricht ...
>In article <3640DBF3.65587DF8 at ll.mit.edu>,
>tabloid-issue?)  There's lots of data transmissions at much longer
>wave-lengths, some of them at frequencies for which a human might be or
>have a built-in antenna.  (And those longer wavelengths will not be
>stopped by aluminum foil around only the head.)

There are people which have an inbuild antenna. Think of telepathy.
This people are NOT sensitive for EM waves.
There is a very serious book ("Mental Radio" by Upton Sinclair)
I have the german Edition ("Radar der Psyche") and it has a foreword 
by Albert Einstein, who happened to be a friend of Upton Sinclair.

However,telepathy has nothing to do with RF-transmission.
Read this book, if you dont believe.

If you want to screen lower frequencies,then you have to connect
the screen to earth potential.
If you want to screen very low frequencies,then you would need Mu-metal,
to stop the magnetic component of the field.

Very low frequencies (10kHz and less) are very difficult to detect.
You would need very sensitive receivers and large antennas. However,
they wouldnt be detected by the human body.
If the body is not connected to earth (when wearing shoes
or lying in bed) ,then there would not be a potential difference in
the body,because the wavelength is much larger than the body.
(The Wavelenth of the mid wave range 1MHz is 300 m).
The voltages induced by the magnetic field component would be
much smaller than the normal bioelectric potentials in the body.

In the early times of wireless communication they made all sorts of
experiments to use strong ELF fields, for transmitting purposes because 
they had difficulties to make strong HF fields.
If ELF would influence the body, they would have discovered it.

If you know an experiment to prove ELF detection by human body,
please tell technical details.

>band of EM radiation she was experiencing: AM radio has been detected
>by dental fillings and braces, according to the folklore.  This is not
>implausible, given how easy it is to get inadvertent semi-conductive
>behavior at a corroded mechanical joint between two aerial or ground
>conductors (and thus have non-linear behavior giving mixing and/or
>harmonics and thus spurious signals from an antenna).  Anna could
>have a defective filling acting as a detector or antenna/detector.
>I suppose she might even have mineral deposits in the inner-ear that
>could form a semiconductor -- I've not heard of a calcium/mineral
>junction that is, but I'd be surprised if there isn't at least one.

A very low voltage applied to an amalgam filling would cause an
incredible tooth-ake. Just try to hold aluminium foil against
an amalgam filling. Everybody knows this.

Also it is well known,that HF is not going into the body.
Tesla showed this with very high voltage and frequency.
Any Radio-TV-technician knows this from own experience.
So I know.

We are not talking about very strong fields here.
Strong fields are easy to detect and would cause disturbances in
atmost any radio receiver or amplifier by means of
large signal-crossmodulation and rectifying at Base-Emitter

So I dont think,that this what you said, has any evidence
for Annas case.


Best Wishes. Peter Heckert   ph741 at z.zgs.de
Die Dummheit der Menschen ist die,dass  jeder schlauer sein will.
Das hat einer gesagt,der besonders schlau sein wollte.

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