In article <363FB487.F4300B02 at>, 870629 at wrote:
> ³o¬O¤@«Ê MIME ®æ¦¡ªº¦h³¡¥÷¶l¥ó¡C
> --------------79122EDC753CD9FE49CA2A0A
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=big5
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>> Does anyone know some good review article for studying memory in
> molecule/protein level? Please give me some information. I ill very
> appreciate.
>> I did medline search for several weeks, but I cannot find it.
>>> --------------79122EDC753CD9FE49CA2A0A
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> Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="vcard.vcf"
>> begin: vcard
> fn: Ying F. Yang
> n: Yang;Ying F.
> org: Union Chemical Lab. ITRI
> email;internet: 870629 at> title: Associate Researcher
> x-mozilla-cpt: ;0
> x-mozilla-html: TRUE
> version: 2.1
> end: vcard
>>> --------------79122EDC753CD9FE49CA2A0A--
You can't have searched that well, because there are several reviews. But
you might as well start with something more general, which will also
contain references for more specific stuff. So try:
Milner, Squire, & Kandel (1998), Neuron, 20, p 445