[headers rejiggered in the hope that removing the new-theories group and
adding the tinnitus group may accomplish something useful]
Anna wrote:
> [someone wrote:]
> > But why do you think, that she would be an aim of such activities?
> > Arent deseases like tinnitus much more probable?
> > I think first you should try explanations with high probability.
> > Only if they are disproven then you could try other explanations.
>> > What you are saying in last ressort, is that she is an innocent
> > aim of evil and secret experiments with humans!
> > How did you come to this conclusion?
> > Do you want to drive her to persecution mania without
> > knowing the personal circumstances and the facts?
>> Yeah, I am being persecuted, on the internet. I think i'll wait a few days
> before thinking of something sensible to post.
>> The only cure I found, is turning on some load music and wearing
> headphones to sleep, that increases my energy so much. If I dont do that I
> need 3 hours more sleep, and I feel very tired the whole day, uncapable of
> thinking about more than 5 separate "tasks" to do. Eg, like go out and buy
> something, write something up, sort something else out I forgot, etc etc.
> This noise is doing me no good. As for my explanation, I hardly have any
> facts. All I have is this in terms of hard facts.
>> 1st there was some information on EMF's affecting human health, all the
> way from low frequency, through light, and then up to cosmic rays. This
> was in my physics lab at tertiary school. there was a piece on radar, it
> said "some people can hear radar waves directly in their ears, but it is
> not thought to be harmful." Pure, "empirical", if slightly naive
> statement. (Seeing as it drains me of so much energy)
>> 2 I can hear these noises in one of my ears, 2 tones only, very artificial
> sounding, like sine waves. They switch very fast, and randomly. To me it
> seems like some kind of data transmission, or I dont know what, but
> something not directly malevolent, if you want to say carelessness isnt
> being malevolent. i havent gone underground yet, but when I find the
> energy to do so I will. (london underground thingy)
>> Hmmm, thats it for now. maybe I'll find more later, I dont even know its
> radar, but.. maybe i will find out what it is.
>> __________________________________________
>> In life, never believe a word you hear.
Howdy, folks. I've been watching the development of this thread with some
interest (particularly the "mind control" part - insert "doo doo doo doo"
soundtrack to "Twilight zone" here).
I've decided to add my two cents for the following reasons:
1. I would like to think that my doctorate grants me some pretense of
expertise in the area of electromagnetic fields, waves, and the probability of
directly detecting these in the ear or brain.
2. I have tinnitus
It's been there for ten years now - It might have started when I had an ear
infection, but I don't really remember. In any case, it doesn't show up on
hearing tests (I have exceptionally good hearing), nor is there any other way
of measuring it _objectively_.
What does it sound like? In my case, a lot like what the ringing in my ears
sounded like when I'd go to a rock concert in my younger days. Except it
never entirely goes away. It was unchanged for 10 years until this past
summer, when it got a bit worse in my left ear. For awhile, it was hard to
work with it (it's annoying), but I've gotten used to it.
It isn't a single-frequency tone. It's high-pitched (> 10 KHz), and almost
seems to sound like "white noise" at the high-frequency end of my hearing.
Certainly not a simple spectrum - if it is composed of individual tones,
there's a lot of them.
It doesn't come from radar. I know of no physical mechanism in the human body
(other than heating, and most radars use pulses which would minimize heating
effects due to the small duty-cycle) which is capable of detecting radar
signals. In any case, wrapping your head in tinfoil (or placing it in a large
metal pot) would reflect the signal and you'd notice the sound vanish
immediately. As some have pointed out, low-frequency fields can penetrate
thin conductors. Radar is not low-frequency. Wrapping a potato in tinfoil
and placing it in your microwave oven should amply demonstrate its (the
tinfoil's) lack of transparency. Also, in order for radar to be effective,
it's generally quite directional to get over the R^-4 losses via a high-gain
antenna. Your (presumed) tormentors would have to be pretty dedicated to
track your movements with their beam. OTOH, if you want to speculate about
ELF radars, please explain to me where the antenna is hidden, or how
diffraction magically fails to apply to mind control.
I should also note that although my own tinnitus is continuous, many cases
seem to differ from mine, and the pulsing that you hear is a lot likelier due
to tinnitus than to EM radiation.
It doesn't come from some horrible military mind-control technology. Civilian
mind-control is better established, and causes me to think about beer and
sports cars whenever I watch a sporting event.
As far as what causes tinnitus, nobody knows. You can't study what you can't
detect, and my conversations with the local ear doctor whom I consulted when
mine got worse indicated that they have no reliable way of measuring the
effect apart from guys like me who can speculate on whether it's white or 1/f
noise (I think the former, but I haven't studied it too closely), frequency
distribution, modulation (in my case none). My somewhat-educated guess is
that it's a neurological effect. It does not appear to have any physical
Also note that my ear doctor told me there is nothing visibly wrong with my
ear. I have a small bit of high-frequency loss in hearing, but it's normal
for my age (I'm 37). The funny thing is, the way they conduct the hearing
tests guarantees that I can isolate the (smaller) test tone from the (larger)
ringing - they pulse the tone used in the hearing test so that I can pull it
out of the ringing noise even when it's smaller (in my estimation). The brain
is one hell of a signal processor. Unfortunately, mine (and, Anna, I presume
yours) appears to be susceptible to spurious signals.
Mike MacDonald, MIT Lincoln Laboratory mmacdon at ll.mit.edu
** The views expressed here are not those of Lincoln Laboratory. **