In article <71nci7$j3m$1 at>, houlepn at wrote:
>In article <71m716$eaf$1 at>,
> Bloxy's at (Bloxy's) wrote:
>>< snip >
>>> >>Just the very term reared is ugly.
>>>> Yes, because it is completely unconscious repetition
>> of degrading idea.
>>>> The idea of rearing comes from animal world.
>> They just stand in the middle of the field and the
>> baby just falls out from the rear.
>> Thus, reared.
>>>> As an idea, it is utterly degrading.
>>Where did you get this notion from?
>>There is the word 'rear' : The back, the back part...
>coming from 'arrear' itself coming from the old French
That is where i get it from.
>And then there ist homonym 'rear' : To get up on one's
>feet, to rise up...
>coming from the old English 'raeran' itself coming
>from the teutonic 'raizjan'.
Oh, yer royal highness,
being blind as a monkey ass,
[not to insult the monkey ass]
with all your royal knowledge,
you still are driven by subconscious programming,
talking complicated and dense horseshit about intelligence,
and yet dropping the hints of your utter blindness
in almost any sentense you speak.
What is your argument now?
What are you trying to achive?
You yourself conceeded that rear is just that
the BACK, and what is in the back is your
output hole, from which the waste comes out,
and not the knowledge comes in.
Jay Krishnamurti, a giant of this century,
spent his whole life banging on your stupid
cockpits, insisting:
Whatever you know, be it the ultimate sucking truth,
ALWAYS question it.
Enquire into where did this knowledge come from.
Is it trully the idea, asising from YOUR own experience,
or it has been merely accepted as truth,
without ever realizing the meaning of it,
on the basis of authority, majority opinion,
convinience and millions of other lies,
[they program you with].
The credit goes to Jay Krishnamurti.
And you can talk here till your teeth go blue,
and nothing will be changed
within your own being.
>There is no common etymology.
>Source : The Oxford Universal Dictionary on Historical Principles,
>Clarendon press
The SOURCE is withing you,
little did you know.