Hear radar waves

Anna mystupid at old.email.address.cant.be.recived.from.com
Tue Nov 3 21:02:52 EST 1998

> But why do you think, that she would be an aim of such activities?
> Arent deseases like tinnitus much more probable?
> I think first you should try explanations with high probability.
> Only if they are disproven then you could try other explanations.

> What you are saying in last ressort, is that she is an innocent
> aim of evil and secret experiments with humans!
> How did you come to this conclusion?
> Do you want to drive her to persecution mania without
> knowing the personal circumstances and the facts?

> But why do you think, that she would be an aim of such activities?
> Arent deseases like tinnitus much more probable?
> I think first you should try explanations with high probability.
> Only if they are disproven then you could try other explanations.

> What you are saying in last ressort, is that she is an innocent
> aim of evil and secret experiments with humans!
> How did you come to this conclusion?
> Do you want to drive her to persecution mania without
> knowing the personal circumstances and the facts?

Yeah, I am being persecuted, on the internet. I think i'll wait a few days
before thinking of something sensible to post.

The only cure I found, is turning on some load music and wearing
headphones to sleep, that increases my energy so much. If I dont do that I
need 3 hours more sleep, and I feel very tired the whole day, uncapable of
thinking about more than 5 separate "tasks" to do. Eg, like go out and buy
something, write something up, sort something else out I forgot, etc etc.
This noise is doing me no good. As for my explanation, I hardly have any
facts. All I have is this in terms of hard facts.

1st there was some information on EMF's affecting human health, all the
way from low frequency, through light, and then up to cosmic rays. This
was in my physics lab at tertiary school. there was a piece on radar, it
said "some people can hear radar waves directly in their ears, but it is
not thought to be harmful." Pure, "empirical", if slightly naive
statement. (Seeing as it drains me of so much energy)

2 I can hear these noises in one of my ears, 2 tones only, very artificial
sounding, like sine waves. They switch very fast, and randomly. To me it
seems like some kind of data transmission, or I dont know what, but
something not directly malevolent, if you want to say carelessness isnt
being malevolent. i havent gone underground yet, but when I find the
energy to do so I will. (london underground thingy)

Hmmm, thats it for now. maybe I'll find more later, I dont even know its
radar, but.. maybe i will find out what it is.


In life, never believe a word you hear.

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