Opions Please! Why Does This Happen??

Chris pangea1 at nodamnspam.net
Wed Nov 4 02:09:52 EST 1998

For those of you who may be able to answer this for me:

A few years ago I had a very unusual and rather scary experience that I
still wonder about today.  Now, years later, I have found that I can
actually bring on the following experience:

I lay down and begin to sink into a deep relaxation.  It often takes up to
30-40 minutes till I am so relaxed I can hardly move a muscle.  I begin to
focus my attention on the darkness I see beneath my eyelids.  Like most
people, I do not see complete darkness.  rather, I see the usual mish-mash
of strange colors (sort of like static snow).  Suddenly, if my concentration
on the colors is deep enough and my relaxation is at its greatest, my eyes
begin to "convulse"; flutter in a sense, very rapidly.  They dart
uncontrollably within there sockets and I have little control over them
unless I force my eyes open.  As they shake wildly, I begin to see brilliant
flashes of light - like jolts of electricity, and I actually feel as if
there is an electrical current flowing through me.  If I can maintain my
relaxation through all this I begin "seeing" the lights form into a sort of
tunnel and soon begin sensing that I am traveling through this tunnel at an
unbelievable speed.  I see lights rushing by me and the feeling that I have
this electricity flowing through me grows in intensity.  This is where the
scary part begins.

Shortly after "entering" this electrical tunnel my entire body feels as is
it is on pins and needles and a numbing sensations sets in.  Within seconds
after this occurs I truly begin feeling as if I am rising out of my own
body.  the first time this occurred to me I allowed it to continue for
longer than I have in subsequent years.  As I "rose up" I had the distinct
feeling that I was truly "leaving" my own physical body, such to the extent
that I swear I was at least two feet above the bed I was lying on.  In a
sense I felt as if I was experience was is often called an "out-of-body"
experience.   Now let me make it clear that I had NO intention on making thi
s happen.  I was simply trying to get as relaxed as possible without falling
asleep.  I know that I do not fall asleep because I can still hear outside
noise.  It is a bizarre experience that both fascinates me and, well
frightens me a bit.  I sometimes get the feeling that if I let the
experience continue that I will "leave" my body and never some back.

I am not religious, in fact I'm essentially an atheist.  I'm not led to
believe that a soul exists and believe that phenomena's like NDE and Soul
Travelling all have scientific explanations.  I'm just trying to figure out
what is happening to me and why.  There must be some neurological barrier
I'm tapping into.  I can't emphasize enough the extraordinarily realistic
feeling that I am almost levitating out of my own body.  It is as intense a
sensation as can be conveyed in words.

One more thing.  This experience repeated itself about three weeks ago while
I was in bed.  It was so intense that I found myself, almost involuntarily,
speaking out loudly something to the effect that - "There it is...!"  when I
saw the "tunnel".  I remember thinking to myself that I HAD to get "there".
When  I snapped to I was in a very emotional state; almost to the point of
tears.  This has become a normal state of mind for me after these events
take place.  I'm baffled.

I would truly appreciate opinions on this issue.  What is causing this?  Am
I alone?  Has anyone else seen or experienced this themselves?

Thank You.


- "Today, the theory of evolution is an accepted fact for everyone but a
fundamentalist minority, whose objections are based not on reasoning but on
doctrinaire adherence to religious principles." (James D. Watson)

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