Sorry if I touched on too many topics at once. As far as bioeffectiveness
water structure goes, I think that Dr. Gilbert Ling has been going at it for
half a century. He has a web site somewhere out there. Some of his
associates include Freeman Cope, who did creditable work during his lifetime,
and the father of large scale MRI, Raymond Damadian, M.D., who is also the
founder of FONAR corporation. Damadian has successfully defended his patents
against giants such as G.E. and continues to innovate. I don't think
Pauling's water clathrate theory of anaesthesia has taken off much.
Puharich obtained several patents on transdermal hearing and founded
Intellectron corporation. Patrick Flanagan also invented a device, and later
improved on it using principles of time domain, delay lines, etc. He had
developed some of this while working with D. Wayne Batteau of Tufts
In article <71oe3e$p8q at>,
conover at (Harry H Conover) wrote:
>steve_dennis at wrote:
> : Can someone help me find a reference to a book by Andrija Puharich where he
> : quotes Warren S. McCulloch's work on structured water and nerve impulse
> : transmission and Linus Pauling's work on water clathrates and anaesthesia?
> : This is very similar to the line of work later taken up by Dr. Roger Penrose
> : and Dr Stuart Hameroff regarding anaesthesia and microtubules and their
> : possible relationship to human consciousness. Puharich was also one of the
> : many proteges/associates of Warren S. McCulloch like Stuart Kaufmann and
> : Brian Goodwin and many others.
> :
> : The book (or tract) by Puharich is called something like _The Magnetic Model
> : of Matter_; it may be available from Andrew Michrowski at PACE in Canada.
> : Puharich, of course, was a pioneer in transdermal hearing research (he
> : considered it a form of direct brain stimulation or DSB) and even extended
> : that research into water hydrolysis, hence the topic of water structure. I
> : am also looking for any information on a person who worked with him named
> : C.G. Vinod.
>> Huh? May I assume that this post is not simply a joke?
>> Steve, your well worded post suggests you are a reasonably competent
> and informed person. In that context, Structured water? Water
> hydrolysis? What is this all about?
>> You must recognize that sounds are not input to the brain in the form
> of analog audio impulses but roughly a multiple pulse train corresponding
> to a Fast Fourier Transform of the input time domain waveform to
> a frequency domain. (This is why recently developed audio to brain
> interfaces are so sophisticated and complex, and have only a limited
> quality of performance.)
>> Sturctured water and nerve impules? Please elaborate, lest we come
> to the conclusion that this is simply another Internet joke or
> still more pseudo-science.
>> Sorry to come across as a "Party Pooper", but here we concentrate on
> factual information and not impressive sounding buzz-words or
> fantasy. Neither cut it here.
>> Harry C.
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