Hear radar waves

Dirk Bruere (remove x to reply) "artemis" at kbnet.co.uk
Tue Nov 3 18:26:13 EST 1998

Teodorico wrote:
> proved theories were quoted as "pseudo-science"... but this is the true
> pseudo-science: categorizing behavior as "mental illness". There isn't any
> biological basis for diagnosing "mental illnesses". How do they decide about
> who is normal and who isn't? This is nothing but another criminal fraud

Well, it's to do with
(a) Acting normal so you don't frighten people.
(b) Being able to look after yourself and function in society.

Naturally, if one is truly insane but super efficient, highly
intelligent and good at constantly fooling people as to the true state
of affairs, you only get called insane after it takes a world war to
kill you.


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