Tony Koo wrote:
> >A patient presented with an intraventricular / intracerebral bleed
> >in the right posterior horn. source ?AVM. He already had an
> >external drain inserted and is currently ventilated. The question
> >is that although he remains semi-conscious, he occasionally
> >responds when asked to squeeze hand, he remains in extension
> >most of the time. What does this mean?
It means that he is suffering of his brain damage and probably of increased
intracranial pressure, although with a drain this should not be the case.
> Would this be secondary
> >to cerebral oedema, or vasospasm, or something permanent?
Hopefully it is transient, but to make sure you would have to see the scans
etc.Best wishes,
Dick Zeilstra , neurosurgeon
e-mail: neurosurgery.zwolle at