In article <71m716$eaf$1 at>,
Bloxy's at (Bloxy's) wrote:
< snip >
> >>Just the very term reared is ugly.
>> Yes, because it is completely unconscious repetition
> of degrading idea.
>> The idea of rearing comes from animal world.
> They just stand in the middle of the field and the
> baby just falls out from the rear.
> Thus, reared.
>> As an idea, it is utterly degrading.
Where did you get this notion from?
There is the word 'rear' : The back, the back part...
coming from 'arrear' itself coming from the old French
And then there ist homonym 'rear' : To get up on one's
feet, to rise up...
coming from the old English 'raeran' itself coming
from the teutonic 'raizjan'.
There is no common etymology.
Source : The Oxford Universal Dictionary on Historical Principles,
Clarendon press
Pierre-Normand Houle
> >>Just like farting out those children from your output hole.
> >>And even the scientists use it.
> >>
> >>What does it mean - reared?
> What is the root of the word?
> Rear is the BACK part of anyting.
> Look up your dic-
> tionary.
>> First of all, do the children come from the back?
> Do you educate them by turning your ass toward them?
>> Where does the term "reared" come from,
> but the animal farm?
>> And you, claiming to be a scientist, use the same
> sub-conscious, derogatory terminology, invented
> by the sub-morons, while talking about that,
> which those of your camp call "the rule of everything".
>> Can you reconcile it it?
> Can you find a SINGLE reason for the term reared
> as applied to education and upbringing?
>> Youe eyes are in front.
> Your nose is in front.
> Even your pussy is in front.
>> How do you REAR children?
>> > I HOPE it is just a cutesy joke that he
> >asssociates to "rear" in the sense of "rear end" and associates further
> >to scatalogical implications of this perverse and bizarre
> >interpretation, and not a clue as to how his mind works...
>> "Perverse, bizzare interpretation"?
> Whose?
>> How does you idiotic CPU work, if you use the concepts
> of rear, while ALL the significant work is done from
> the front.
< snip >
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