Neuroscience and language

kkollins at pop3.concentric.net kkollins at pop3.concentric.net
Tue Nov 3 01:31:12 EST 1998

kkollins at pop3.concentric.net wrote:


> Bury your heads in the sand, and wait for the Beast to kick your butts?

An open letter to Science, Government and Journalism:Forgive my unseemly "language". It has
more than one purpose. First, it gives you the assurance that I'm not "running for"
anything... the "language" automatically "disqualifies".

And, since we're beyond that, now, right, secondly, I have earned the right to speak to
Science, Government and Journalism thus.

Third, I will let you Choose for yourselves, but please understand, in this matter, you are
not only Choosing for yourselves, are you? I stand with those who Languish because Science,
Government and Journalism are not being done.

Fourth, I Believed Science, Government and Journalism when they Taught me, in my youth,
that Truth =must= be Honored. What is a man, having so Learned, to do with respect to Truth
he's seen with his own eyes.

The man "Make[s] sure his feet are n the right place, then stand[s] firm." (Abraham

Try to view things through this "lens", and you'll see that I've long ago eschewed
everything that your refusal to even talk with me connotes. Through my own Free Will, I am
Powerless. But then, try to understand how deeply I Love the Lesson that Science,
Government and Journalism Taught me with respect to Truth. While I've Life, I can only
pursue such.

Then try to understand that... until the understanding reaches those who suffer greatly for
the lack of it, I am bound to work to convey Truth to them. In that circumstance, no matter
how many "Pink Pearls", and gentle Clowns, I Celebrate, Science, Government and Journalism
are, by negative default, held Responsible.

Try to understand... I serve Truth. Your Choice is your Choice. And your Choice doesn't
change my relationship to Truth, nor my Obligations to Truth.

But I am aware that Truth's ramifications impinge upon everything. It was when I saw this
that I cut myself off from "benefit", nearly two decades ago. Yet, the circumstance that
led me to "give myself up" has continued interminably, despite all my efforts to forstall
it. Can you see the Sorrowful thing. I gave myself up for you, but you chose to do
everything that I chose not to do... you choose, so, still... and I can only Honor Truth.
When will you stop so choosing? ken

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