kkollins at pop3.concentric.net wrote:
> A big factor in neuralglia dynamics is K+, upon which all action potentials
> depend... steer K+ concentration, and capacity for action potential
> manifestation is also steered... imagine a flexible "bladder" that's
> studded with "nozzles"... distort the "bladder" and the "nozzles" become
> spatially-displaced... if the "nozzles" distribute K+, then the spatial
> displacement of the "nozzles" will action-potential dynamics... this'll
> tune "memory" accordingly. This's exactly what the verified neuralglia
> contractile properties do in vivo. ken collins
Also, =of course= the neuralglia contractile dynamics enter into the tuning of
synaptic strengths... simply be-cause the neural stuff is embedded in, and
completely-supported by, the contractile neuralglia stuff... it doesn't take
much physical force to tune synaptic strengths when the geometry involved is
microscopically-refined via continuous TD E/I-minimization dynamics. ken