mind/soul (unloved babies, etc.)

F. Frank LeFever flefever at ix.netcom.com
Mon Nov 2 23:49:25 EST 1998

At first, I was going to take his question about electromagnetic
influences and DNA at face value and tell about my own interest in ELF
(extremely low frequency) electromagnetic activity (e.g. in sferics)
and of an interesting recent finding by a long-time (and well
respected) neuroscientist regarding a possible neurophysiological
influence, but as I read further began to have sinking feeling as I
perceived he may have a very private concept of these "electromagnetic
influences".  In the context of some linguistic peculiarities I pointed
out in another post, this is troubling.

F. LeFever

In <71gs8n$a52$1 at its.hooked.net> Bloxy's at hotmail.com (Bloxy's) writes: 

- - - - - - - - (snip) - - - - - - - - - - - -  -

>What is the conclusion then?
>What is at the very root of developement?
>DNA or love?
>What role does the energy play?
>What role does intent play?
>What determines what?

 - - - - - - - -(snip) - - - - - - - - -
>Is there any evidence that suggests the DNA
>activity is NOT affected by the electromagnetic energy?

- - - - - - -  - (snip) - - - - - - - - 

Then we talk more.
>What bullshit truism are you talking about?
>You have not even begun to address the issues of
>overriding significance of electromagnetic forces
>and fields.
>> widely known,
>What is significance of electromagnetic forces?

- - - - - - - - (snip)- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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