See my reply to query re "occipital lobe development" or some similar
title. Yes, it does refer to language (including the P.S. re Nov. 30)
F. LeFever
>Wim Van Nieuwenhoven wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>>> I'm a Belgian psychology student with a big interest in any
>> matter. I'm exploring the net now to still my hungre for linguistic
>> knowledge.
>>>> I am wondering now: in what way can neuroscience help me out? Have
>> they got anything to say about language? Do they know of good books
>> and/or websites covering this topic?
>>>> Please consider that I'm a layman and not used to deal with
>> neuro-specific terms ...
>>>> Thanks for the help!
>>>> Wim.
>>>> e-mail: wim.vannieuwenhoven at>> web-mail: Wivani at>> icq: 16807186
>> icq-pager: 16807186 at>>>> web-page:>>>