Some more food for =Thought=...
> one finds that the contribution of
> "language" is =Insignificant=, except for the force-recruitment, and
> multiplication dynamics that I pointed to in my previous post.
Animals do the same... insects do the same... as when an ant that's come upon a
nutrient supply leaves a chemical trail while traveling from the nutrient supply
back to it's "home" ant-hill. Other ants follow this "language" to the nutrient
supply, and before too long, no matter it's size, the nutrient supply is carried
back "home"... force-recruitment and multiplication.
The easiest Human example is given in the section of AoK, Ap5 that discusses
hypothalamic dynamics... an Infant's crying behavior, and its foce-recruitment and
multiplication dynamics, their awesome engineering, and how crucial they are to the
Infant's (and, hence, =everyone's) survival. The "language-is-everything"
conceptualization is, to the stuff of the Infant's-crying-behavior example as is
the battering behavior of the young parent who, in Ignorance of the way our nervous
systems process information, shake their Infants, tearing the tender meninges,
which results in the permanent incapacitation of the infant, or kills the Infant.
Who, reading and understanding, the stuff of the Infant's-crying-behavior example,
cannot see, immediately, that the Infant's "language" dynamics are Insignificant
relative to the overall TD E/I-minimization (see AoK) dynamics?
The language-is-everything supposition is "just" a False "Finitization" (AoK, Ap4)
that folks've converged upon in the absence of understanding how our nervous
systems process information... and it's one that bears the hallmark of being
blindly prejudiced toward the familiar stuff of the folks who support the erroneous
It's a big problem in our times... advertizing folks routinely take the
"language-is-everything" position to such a well-over-done extreme that, in the
onslaught of such (which is briefly discussed in AoK, Ap5), folks who're subjected
to such can become overwhelmed, and manipulated via... you got it... shear
force-recruitment and multiplication.
Consider, too, the way that couples' talking-to-each-other behavior tends,
strongly, to become diminished after the novelty of their interactive dynamics
wears off... it isn't that they're "running out of words"... it is that the
Significant stuff, upon which "language" is, except for force-recruitment and
multiplication, will not be denied... it asserts it's long-term ascendency over the
relatively-insignificant system... and the couple realizes that each member is so
much more than the words they can share "contain"... their interaction becomes one
in which the massively-more-than-"language" processing of information is the main
"Love isn't something that we've said. It's something that we do. (Clint Black,
"Something That We Do", on his spectacularly-good _Nothin' But The Taillights_
Clint's right. ken collins