Teodorico <jpmouton11 at accesosis.es> wrote:
>That technology exists since, at least, the 1940s.
>Anyway, we won't be surprised to know that those standard textbooks are
>imposed by the same powerful and official psychiatric establishment who
>actively collaborates with the military and the government agencies on these
>sadistic and inhumane experimentation on innocent citizens.
Maybe that's what they did in Spain. After centuries of progressive
government from King Ferdinand to Francisco Franco, they were probably
capable of anything. But that's certainly not the case in the rest of the
>Here we have an example of the take over of mental institutions by
>scientists funded by the military and goverment related
>agencies/corporations, with covert experimentation purposes, during the
>1940-50s. Afterwards, the average citizen's turn would came; and now...
>their deffinitive take over is almost ready.
>I tell you that from now on, every denial or mocking about these dramatical
>facts will be counted as techno-fascist collaboration at the imminent last
Aha. The imminent last trials? Well, here's a denial and mockery from
Athens, Ohio:
Now come and get me. Your dramatical facts are full of crap.
Don't _ever_ use the Internet to make even the _slightest_ threat again.
You're welcome to your opinions, but you can take your world revolution
and stick it where only the King of Spain's proctologist can find it.
M Kinsler
finally got me sore.
Interpretation and instruction of physical science and technology
Athens, Ohio, USA. http://www.frognet.net/~kinsler