Hear radar waves

Teodorico jpmouton11 at accesosis.es
Sun Nov 1 13:10:49 EST 1998

Harry H Conover escribió en mensaje <71g0i1$t4s at news-central.tiac.net>...
>jwill at pacbell.net wrote:
>: Pretty obviously, selective stimulation of the middle-ear muscles
>: or other structures, or maybe even the inner-ear basilar membrane,
>: would allow one to transmit auditory stimuli or even
>: voices by radar (microwave).

>Middle-ear muscles?  Please name some.
>Voices by radar (microwave)?  Sorry, RADAR never carries voices
>and microwave links generally transmit digital carrier information.
>Neither of these would be intelligible or even recognizable to a human
>even if detected.
>I won't ask what newsgroups you normally participate in, but I'd bet
>a weeks wages that most of them are in the alt hierarchy, right?
>Nonsense like this has no place here in the sci hierarchy.
>                                             Harry C.

It stinks to corporation-military denial everywhere, lately... it seems
someone is getting a bit nervous over there.
Let's take a look at this (but remember occams razor says it's paranoid

T. Mouton


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     MindNet Journal - Vol. 1, No. 59
     V E R I C O M M / MindNet         "Quid veritas est?"

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The following is reproduced here with the express permission of
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Editor: Mike Coyle

Assistant Editor: Rick Lawler

Research: Darrell Bross

Editor's Note:

The diagrams mentioned in this article are available in GIF
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By Judy Wall


Newsletter of the Bioelectromagnetics Special Interest Group

Judy Wall, Editor, 684 C.R. 535, Sumterville, FL 33585 USA

Sample of Newsletter $4.00, Subscription (4 per year) $15.00.

Number 30, March 1996

Pages 38 to 44.


   There are at least two patents dealing with the concept of
transmitting sound, voices, and other audio phenomena directly to
the brain, bypassing the normal auditory processes commonly
associated with the sense of "hearing." In a previous article this
situation was called "synthetic telepathy," and literature
reviewed at that time revealed only the most rudimentary research
had been done to support the existence of this phenomenon.
Synopsis: In 1961, Allen Fry documented the ability of the human
brain to "hear" certain microwave pulses. Joseph Sharp and Mark
Grove, in 1973, successfully performed an experiment in which
words were modulated onto a microwave frequency and communicated
directly to the human brain. A.W. Guy et al. stated that the most
likely mechanism for the interaction of the electromagnetic (EM)
field with the brain was by the conversion of the EM energy to
acoustic energy through thermal expansion.(1) Mike Coyle updates
Frey's research [MC: see Appendix A. for this update] elsewhere
in this issue to include the possibility of other mechanisms,
including direct interaction with the magnetic fields around


   Dr. Gillis Patrick Flanagan has over 300 inventions to his
credit. At the age of 11 he invented his first device, a "sleep
machine." At the ripe old age of 14 he invented the Neurophone, a
radio transmitter that, when connected to the body through
electrodes, sends electrical impulses through the human nervous
system directly to the brain. He says, "When I first applied for
a patent on the device, no one at the patent office believed such
a device could possibly work." As a result, it took six years
before he received the first patent, and that was "only after we
made a nerve-deaf employee at the patent office 'hear' for the
first time in fifteen years."(2)

   The patent here described is U.S. #3,393,279, applied for
March 13, 1962 and granted July 16, 1968, entitled "Nervous
System Excitation Device" and the abstract reads:

   "A method of transmitting audio information to the brain of a
subject through the nervous system of the subject which method
comprises, in combination, the steps of generating a radio
frequency signal having a frequency in excess of the highest
frequency of the audio information to be transmitted, modulating
said radio frequency signal with the audio information to be
transmitted, and applying said modulation radio frequency signal
to a pair of insulated electrodes and placing both of the said
insulated electrodes in physical contact with the skin of said
subject, the strength of said radio frequency electromagnetic
field being high enough at the skin surface to cause the
sensation of hearing the audio information modulated thereon in
the brain of said subject and low enough so that said subject
experiences no physical discomfort."

   Excerpts from the patent read:

   "The present invention involves the discovery that certain
electromagnetic waves induce responses in the nervous systems of
mammals. In human beings a response is produced when some or all
of a person's nervous system is placed within a field of
electromagnetic waves having a radio frequency above the audible
range. In addition, when the nervous system of a person is
contacted by modulated electromagnetic carrier waves of such a
frequency, the nervous system is responsive to the modulation of
the carrier waves. Each individual nervous system is at least
somewhat selective in respect to the frequencies to which it is
most responsive. ...

   "In the method of the present invention, a response is
initiated in the nervous system of a mammal by disposing at least
a portion of that nervous system within a field of
electromagnetic waves of a radio frequency above the aural range.
...In a particularly preferred embodiment of this invention, at
least a portion of the nervous system of a person is exposed to
audio modulated electromagnetic waves having a radio frequency
such that the person experiences the sensation of hearing,
substantially free of distortion, the information which is
conveyed by the modulation.

   "The present invention may be used as a hearing aid, as an aid
to teaching speech to a person who was born deaf, as a means of
communicating with persons in locations in which the noise level
is high, as a device by which a person can listen to an audio
signal that cannot be heard by the others, etc."

   This last sentence presaged a later application of the
Neurophone to save the lives of American soldiers during a
Vietnam War. Ordinary communication devices with their high
extraneous noise levels, when used in the stillness of tunnels,
would give away the soldier's location to the enemy and result in
his immediate death. The Neurophone granted our soldiers access
to communications while cloaked in acoustic imperceptibility.

   This remarkable device can enable people born deaf to "hear"
-- some immediately, others with some practice(5), but an amazing
accomplishment nonetheless. At the time of invention Flanagan was
offered one million dollars by a Corpus Christi company if he
could adapt it to send visual images to the brain so that blind
people could "see."(3)

   The neurophone may be used for subliminal and/or superlearning
as it transmits data directly into the brain's long-term memory
storage banks, although Dr. Flanagan did not mention exactly when
he first became aware of this remarkable property of the
invention. He also said that the audio information could be
modulated onto a microwave carrier, as in the following Stocklin

   The original patent utilized vacuum tubes. Flanagan later
applied for a patent on an improved digital version using
transistors, U.S. #3,647,970, entitled "Method and System for
Simplifying Speech Waveforms," patent applied for August 29,
1969, granted March 7, 1972. The abstract for the patent reads:

   "A speech waveform is converted to a constant amplitude square
wave in which the transitions between the amplitude extremes are
spaced so as to carry the speech information. The system includes
a pair of tuned amplifier circuits which act as high-pass filters
having 6 decibel per octave slope 0 to 15,000 cycles followed by
two stages, each comprised of an amplifier and clipper circuit,
for converting the filtered waveform to a square wave. A radio
transmitter and receiver having a plurality of separate channels
within a conventional single side band transmitter bandwidth and
a system for transmitting secure speech information are also

   Later in the patent we read:

   "This invention is concerned with a method and system for
simplifying a complex speech waveform so that it can be used for
a multitude of applications... The simplified speech waveform can
be transmitted directly through the earth or water as a pressure
wave, and understood, either directly from the medium, or after
simple amplification. The simplified waveform can easily be
encoded by scrambling to provide secure voice communications..."

   At this point, the Department of Defense slapped a secrecy
order on Flanagan's invention and he was not allowed to work on
it nor talk about it to anyone for the next five years.(4) He
does not know why they did it nor was he compensated for the loss
of time or money (as it was not yet in production, the argument
went, there is no monetary value to be compensated for). He
speculates it might have been for any of several possibilities,
the "secure speech" being one.(5) Chuck Allen suggested it was
for the "underwater communications possibilities" to contact
submarines. An interesting thought occurred to me in comparing
the date of the patent with the date of the Sharp and Grove
experiment. Did those scientists for the military get their
inspiration from young Flanagan's patent?

   Patrick Flanagan states that he does not believe that the
Neurophone can be used to accomplish a state of "mind control" as
is so often associated with the idea of "artificial" or
"synthetic" telepathy. That type of situation requires a person
to be in a state of hypnosis or lessened awareness, and
disconnectedness between the two halves of one's brain. The
Neurophone, on the contrary, effects the synchronization of the
brainwaves between the two halves of the brain, into a state of
phase efficiency which makes the brain hemispheres coherent,
approaching the Zen meditative state, thus facilitating a super
awareness and the superlearning ability.(5)

   After the secrecy order was lifted, the Neurophone was
marketed, but with only about 1,000 being produced. The good news
is that this remarkable invention will again be available to the
public in about 3 to 6 months' time. Patrick and his wife Gale
Crystal are now in the process of setting up production. See the
end of the article on how to contact them for more information.


   A second quite remarkable patent, of more recent origin and
complicated circuitry, by Philip L. Stocklin, is entitled simply
"Hearing Device," dated August 22, 1989, and the patent number is
U.S. #4,858,612. The abstract reads:

   "A method and apparatus for simulation of hearing in mammals
by introduction of a plurality of microwaves into the region of
the auditory cortex is shown and described. A microphone is used
to transform sound signals into electrical signals which are in
turn analyzed and processed to provide controls for generating a
plurality of microwave signals at different frequencies. The
multifrequency microwaves are then applied to the brain in the
region of the auditory cortex. By this method sounds are
perceived by the mammal which are representative of the original
sound received by the microphone."

   This patent clearly picks up on the idea of beaming sounds
directly to a person's brain by means of a microwave carrier
frequency. Following are excerpts from the patent:

   "Results of theoretical analysis of the physics of brain
tissue and brain/skull cavity, combined with experimentally
determined electromagnetic properties of mammalian brain tissue,
indicate the physical necessity for the existence of
electromagnetic standing waves, called "modes" in the living
mammalian brain. The mode characteristics may be determined by
two geometric properties of the brain; these are the cephalic
index of the brain (its shape in prolate spherical coordinates)
and the semifocal distance of the brain (a measure of its size).
It was concluded that estimation of brain cephalic index and
semifocal distance using external skull measurements on subjects
permits estimation of the subject's characteristic mode
frequencies, which in turn will permit a mode by mode treatment
of the data to simulate hearing...

   "...This invention provides for simulation of microwave
radiation which is normally produced by the auditory cortex. ...

   "Neural stimulation results in the generation of a broad band
of microwave photons by the change in rotational energy state of
protons integral to the neuron membrane of the auditory cortex.
The physical size and shape of the brain/skull cavity, together
with the (semi-conductor) properties (conductivity and dielectric
constant) of the brain tissue provide an electromagnetic resonant
cavity. Specific single frequencies are constructively reinforced
so that a number of standing electromagnetic waves, each at its
own single electromagnetic frequency in the microwave frequency
region, are generated in the brain. Each such standing
electromagnetic wave is called a characteristic mode of the
brain/skull cavity. ...

   "The auditory cortex in the normally functioning mammalian
brain is a source of microwave modes. The auditory cortex
generates these modes in accordance with the neural stimulation
of the auditory cortex by the cochlear nerve. ...

   "In this invention, the function of the ear, the cochlear
nerve, and the auditory cortex are simulated. Microwaves
simulating the mode matrix are inserted directly into the region
of the auditory cortex. By this insertion of simulated microwave
modes, the normal operation of the entire natural hearing
mechanism is simulated..."

   A block diagram is shown of Figures 1 and 2 of the patent
(here semi-combined), as well as Figures 8 and 10.

   Basically, "A microphone pick-up is amplified and driven
through a bank of 24 audio filters to produce 24 audio bands.
These are used to amplitude modulate 24 RF milliwatt
transmitters. The combined RF signals are transmitted through a
suitable antenna into the person with impaired hearing due to
damage to the ear, the cochlear nerve, or the auditory cortex."
My thanks to Donald Stratton for this simplified version of the
patent's operation. It appears to be much more complicated than
the Flanagan patent. Those of you interested in the engineering
details should obtain a complete copy of the patent for further

   More excerpts from the patent concerning determination of the
subject's microwave mode frequencies: The first method is by
using a modified microwave hearing generator in which one
oscillator signal is beamed at the subject and varied until the
maximum perception value is discovered. "The perception, however,
may consist of a buzzing or hissing sound rather than a tone
because only one microwave frequency is being received. The first
test of perception is to determine the subject's lowest modal
frequency for audition (M=1). Once this modal frequency is
obtained, the process is repeated for several higher modal

   Another method is given: "Purely anatomical estimation of
subject's modal frequencies is performed by first measuring the
maximum lateral dimension (breadth) L Figure 8 of the subject's
head together with the maximum dimension D (anterior to
posterior) in the medial plane of the subject's head. D is the
distance along Z axis as shown in Figure 10. The ratio L/D,
called in anthropology the cephalic index, is monotonically
related to the boundary value _E_o defining the ellipsoidal
surface approximating the interface between the brain and the
skull in the prolate spheroidal coordinate system. _E_o defines
the shape of this interface: _E_o and D together give an
estimate of a, the semi-focal distance of the defining ellipsoid.
Using _E_o and a, together with known values of the conductivity
and dielectric constants of the brain tissue, those wavelengths
are found for which the radial component of the electric field
satisfies the boundary condition that is zero at _E_o. These
wavelengths are the wavelengths associated with the standing
waves or modes; the corresponding frequencies are found by
dividing the phase velocity of microwaves in brain tissue by
each of the wavelengths."

   A third method: "A subject's microwave modal frequencies may
also be determined by observing the effect of external microwave
radiation upon the EEG. The frequency of the M equal 1 mode may
then be used as a base point to estimate all other modal
frequencies ...the subject is laterally irradiated with a
monochromatic microwave field simultaneous with EEG measurement
and the microwave frequency altered until a significant change
occurs in the EEG, the lowest such frequency causing an EEG
change is found. This is identified as the M+1 mode."


1. See Resonance #28, May 1995, "Synthetic Telepathy," pp. 17-26.
[MC: see also: MindNet Journal, Vol. 1, No. 32]

2. Begich, Dr. Nick and Manning, Jeane, _Angels Don't Play This
HAARP_, Earthpulse Press, Anchorage, AK; 1995, p.6.

3. Moeser, William, "Whiz Kid, Hands Down," _Life_, Vol. 53 (11),
Sept. 14, 1962, p 69f.

4. Manning, Jeane, "Electronic Telepathy Device," unnamed source.

5. Telephone conversation by author with Patrick and Gale Crystal
Flanagan, Feb. 24, 1996.

For more information about the Neurophone and other inventions,
write to: Patrick Flanagan, 1109 S. Plaza Way, Flagstaff, AZ
86001 U.S.A.

Appendix A.


Judy Wall, editor
684 C.R. 535
Sumterville, FL 33585

Dear Ms. Wall,


     I read "Synthetic Telepathy" with interest as you reference
a paper written by Allan H. Frey in _Aerospace Med._, 1961. I
possess a copy of a paper he wrote in 1962 for the _Journal of
Applied Physiology_ on the same subject titled "Human Auditory
System Response to Modulated Electromagnetic Energy." This
article seems to be a result of Frey's further work in this area
and modifies his earlier statements, made in the 1961 article,
about the location and mechanisms of the RF detector in the
auditory system.
     In your article it is stated, "This produces an acoustic
stress wave that is conducted through the bone to the cochlea.

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