F. Frank LeFever wrote in message <71gmqv$6pa at sjx-ixn3.ix.netcom.com>...
>showed to my own students), I'm not so sure they did get everything
>except love; a significant degree of malnutrition was involved, as
I know, it seems as though experiments done with human beings can never
do enough to screen out those "confounding" variables ... not to mention
the ethical problem here.
>oon the effects of early experience/maternal-infant interaction on
>brain fine-grain neurochemical neuroanatomy, see a series of papers by
>Michael Meaney and colleagues (working out of McGill).
Thank you. You're the second person I've read that has recommended
Meaney's research.
>clearly does not understand very well. Exactly what threat does he
Rigid thinking ... that's all ... sometimes it's hard to be open-minded
after you have spent so much time and energy getting to where you are at ...
>concealing--WHAT??? What on earth do these people imagine?
Maybe they'll come out of the woodwork and tell us.
>constituents respond, he would not demand to know why cells do not all
>react the same way because they all have the same DNA.
Even us undergrads understand this one.
>as well) have had these same insights, long before, and either accepted
>them as truisms widely known, or elaborated on them and developed them
>further, or rejected them--depending on how the insight held up against
Experience, yes. I'm just here to second the motion...