Hear radar waves

Peter Heckert ph741 at z.zgs.de
Sun Nov 1 17:30:39 EST 1998

Teodorico schrieb in Nachricht <71i7uo$e90$1 at diana.bcn.ibernet.es>...
this is very interesting.

However this methods need direkt skin contact or exactly tuned

She had tried screening with aluminium foils and other things.
Without success.
Therefore I dont believe in the microwave theory in this case.

The Flanagan Neurophone is at market here in Germany.
See http://www.neurotools.com
It costs more than 2000,- Deutsche Mark.

I didnt mention this,because it has not to do with this case.

>   After the secrecy order was lifted, the Neurophone was
>marketed, but with only about 1,000 being produced. The good news
>is that this remarkable invention will again be available to the
>public in about 3 to 6 months' time. Patrick and his wife Gale
>Crystal are now in the process of setting up production. See the
>end of the article on how to contact them for more information.

This needs skin contacts. 
Can be excluded as possibility.

>   A second quite remarkable patent, of more recent origin and
>complicated circuitry, by Philip L. Stocklin, is entitled simply
>"Hearing Device," dated August 22, 1989, and the patent number is
>U.S. #4,858,612. The abstract reads:
>   "In this invention, the function of the ear, the cochlear
>nerve, and the auditory cortex are simulated. Microwaves
>simulating the mode matrix are inserted directly into the region
>of the auditory cortex. By this insertion of simulated microwave
>modes, the normal operation of the entire natural hearing
>mechanism is simulated..."

This needs microwaves.
If the waves are weak,they can be easily screened.
If they are strong,then they would be very easy to detect.

Another question is, why does only Anna hear the tones?
Anybody should hear them.

On the net are several conspiracy theories about "mind control"
by CIA and military.
They are mostly paranoid.

For the reasons, I mentioned above,this can be disproven easily
for Annas case.
I can imagine,if someone has this problem and cannot get to
sleep,this could drive him nearly mad.
When I was not at sleep for a long time I can hear noise and
tones in my ears too. This could be an unhappy circuit.

Please dont induce more confusion about this,it wouldnt help.



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