Neuroscience and language

kkollins at pop3.concentric.net kkollins at pop3.concentric.net
Sun Nov 1 16:51:26 EST 1998

Hi, there's  a =lot= that's been done in psycholinguistics, including
experimental work in Neuroscience. Online, you might, for instance, try
browsing the MIT web site for leads.

Just =don't= get caught up in the view that "language is everything". It's
definitely "just" a relatively-small "add-on" to the overall whole... it's
main purpose is force-recruitment and multiplication via group-formation
and concerted action. As such, it's only distantly correlated to
"thought". Keep this straight and you'll be OK. Cheers, ken collins

Wim Van Nieuwenhoven wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm a Belgian psychology student with a big interest in any linguistic
> matter. I'm exploring the net now to still my hungre for linguistic
> knowledge.
> I am wondering now: in what way can neuroscience help me out? Have
> they got anything to say about language? Do they know of good books
> and/or websites covering this topic?
> Please consider that I'm a layman and not used to deal with
> neuro-specific terms ...
> Thanks for the help!
> Wim.
> e-mail:    wim.vannieuwenhoven at student.kuleuven.ac.be
> web-mail:  Wivani at hotmail.com
> icq:       16807186
> icq-pager: 16807186 at pager.mirabilis.com
> web-page:  http://www.student.kuleuven.ac.be/~m9408136/ling

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