>Just =don't= get caught up in the view that "language is everything". It's
>definitely "just" a relatively-small "add-on" to the overall whole... it's
>main purpose is force-recruitment and multiplication via group-formation
>and concerted action. As such, it's only distantly correlated to
>"thought". Keep this straight and you'll be OK. Cheers, ken collins
Gee, and I was thinking I had the big one on the hook :(
can you give me a more detailed explanation of why language comes
second (or wurse) to thought? Or is that not what you're trying to
tell me?
e-mail: wim.vannieuwenhoven at student.kuleuven.ac.be
web-mail: Wivani at hotmail.com
icq: 16807186
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web-page: http://www.student.kuleuven.ac.be/~m9408136/ling