CAT scan & MRI translation

F. Frank LeFever flefever at ix.netcom.com
Thu Jul 30 22:33:39 EST 1998

The intended word was "prominent".

Veins were so conspicuous reader suspected abnormality? malignancy?

However, MRI, which is MUCH better at looking at soft tissue than CT
is, was not read as any such thing--rather, sounds like it was
interpreted as showing simply an individual variation in the region of
the posterior circulation.  It is my understanding that in region of
transition from the vertebro-basilar artery (or between the two) and
the posterior artery individual anatomies are HIGHLY variable re
anastmoses (connections between more or less parallel vessels), etc.

In cases where this variability includes insufficient collateral
circulation to compensate for momentary closures of one branch or the
other (e.g. from cervical arthritis) any one of a large number of
transient effects mmay occur (drop attacks, for example).

F. LeFever

In <6pjsqb$lcc at bgtnsc02.worldnet.att.net> GRC <grcgrc at att.net> writes: 
>Can anyone out there translate into layman's english the
>CAT scan of my wife 6/29/98 at Florida Institute of Health.
>1. Drominent (s/b dominent?) vascular enhancement in the 
>   region of the right cerebellar pontine angle cistern. 
>   Clinical correlation is suggested.
>2. No evidence of intercerebral masses.
>     HAND WRITTEN NOTE ON REPORT: Venous Angioma - Normal Variant
>MRI of my wife 7/16/98 at Imaging Center (FtLauderdale,FL)
>Negative brain magnetic resonance imaging and magnetic
>resonance angiography. Suspicious region by computed
>tomography represents the right posterior cerebral artery.
>Have been unable to elict an explanation from our 
>neuroligists other than "Lots of people have 'them'. 
>Nothing to worry about." The imaging clinics refer us
>to our neuroligist.
>Am not "worried" about this. 
>Would just like a translation into english.
>Appreciate any help on this.
>George  <>  Je compute, donc je suis (at least I think so)
>http://www.gate.net/~grc/ The Complete Webpage  
>http://home.att.net/~grcgrc/ Matches,Posters,Ashtrays
>http://www.fortunecity.com/bennyhills/mayall/98/ MOVIES
>http://home.att.net/~grcgrc/hoot.html  Experimental Demo

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