A Cyborg Bill of Rights

Kim Bruning K.F.Bruning at NOSPAM.students.bio.uu.nl
Wed Jul 29 04:00:40 EST 1998

ebola82 at my-dejanews.com heeft geschreven in bericht
<6pim2u$bh5$1 at nnrp1.dejanews.com>...

>time travel is dangerous in any direction but forward, it would cause the
>universe to collapse, fortunately, it's impossible if you read into
>theory or relativity

-Marty: "The Entire Universe? That's heavy Doc, are you sure?"
-Doc Brown: "No, the effect might be localised , it might just be the entire
              -Back to the Future II

BTW Time travel _is_ possible if you check out Hawking etc...

Just on a side note,  && I guess  I'd better say it before LeFever does:
                  "Is this relevant to this NG?"

met Vriendelijke Groet,
    Kim Bruning.

It's not that reality is stranger than fiction. It's more that fiction
doesn't know what it's up against!

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