Neuro, AI, Robotics seminar Mon.27.jul.1998

Mentifex mentifex at scn.org
Wed Jul 29 23:29:00 EST 1998

Bjoern Guenzel <guenzel.p1 at usa.net> schrieb seinen ewigen Beitrag:

>On Mon, 27 Jul 1998 14:29:56 GMT, mentifex at scn.org (SCN User) wrote:
>>  Dr. LeFever, sometimes History taps a man on the shoulder and he
>>  must choose to take advantage of that tide in the affairs of men
>>  which leads on to fortune.  Please consider such options as wear-
>>  ing to your meetings a nametag or button:  "Ask me about Mentifex."
>>  Be either the great debunker of Mentifex or the great Dr. LeFever.
>Is 'Mentifex' latin for 'April Fools'?
>P.S.: Sorry for posting this... :-(

"Wir sind gewohnt, dass die Menschen verhoehnen, was sie nicht verstehn."
                                                         - Goethe
"Was wir tun, wird nie verstanden, sondern immer nur gelobt und getadelt."
                                                         - Nietzsche
  /^^^^^^^^^^^\   Theorie des Denkens im Gehirn   /^^^^^^^^^^^\
 /  Sehkanal   \                    ________     /  Hoerkanal  \
|      /--------|-------\          / Syntax \   |  Gedaechtnis  |
|      | Wieder-|er-    |          \________/---|-------------\ |
|   ___|___     |kennt- |              |        |    _______  | |
|  /       \    |nis  __V___        ___V___     |   /       \ | |
| /  Bild   \   |    /tiefe \------/ Wort- \----|--/  Wort   \| |
| \         /---|---/Begriffe\----/begriffe \---|--\         /  |
|  \_______/    |   \________/    \_________/   |   \_______/   |

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