Post-Doc in Neuropsychology

Donald Siwek siwek at bu.edu
Thu Jul 30 10:57:02 EST 1998


JOB:  The Geriatric Research Education and Clinical Center (GRECC) located
at the VA Medical Center in Bedford, Massachusetts, USA  has two (2)
full-time five year federally funded research positions in NEUROPSYCHOLOGY
available beginning Sept. 1, 1998.

REQUIREMENTS:  Ph.D. or Psy.D. in Clinical or Counseling Psychology and
clinical experience with a geriatric population.  Particular interest in
dementias and background in neuropsychological assessment strongly
preferred.  Must have a car.  Minimum one (1) year commitment requested.

RESPONSIBILITIES:  Administration of a neuropsychological test battery to
elderly subjects in a clinical or a home setting in the greater Boston area,
interviews with caregivers, and collaboration in scoring and data
interpretation.  Additional opportunities for development of independent
research proposals are a possibility.  The successful applicant will be
highly motivated, flexible, and able to work independently under the
direction of the project Neuropsychologist.

SALARY: $25,000 annually plus benefits and travel allowances.

CONTACT:  Ladislov Volicer, MD 781 687-2959
                   Helen S. Denison, Ph.D. 781 687-2382

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