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7th International Conference on
Microelectronics for Neural, Fuzzy
and Bio-inspired Systems
Granada, Spain, April 7-9, 1999
MicroNeuro99 is the seventh of a series of international conferences
previously held in Dortmund, München, Edinburgh, Torino, Lausanne and
Dresden, in each of which around a hundred specialists have participated.
The conference is dedicated to hardware implementations of artificial
networks, fuzzy and neuro-fuzzy systems, and related bio-inspired computing
architectures. The program will focus upon all aspects related to the
hardware implementation of these systems, with special emphasis on specific
VLSI analog, digital and pulse-coded circuits.
Submissions of papers and demo proposals November 5, 1998
Notification of acceptance December 20, 1998
Conference April 7-9, 1999
General Chair
A. Prieto,
Univ. Granada, E
aprieto at ugr.es
Japan Chair
Univ. Tokyo, J
shibata at ee.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp
USA Chair
Andreas G. Andreou,
Johns Hopkins Univ.
Baltimore, USA
andreou at jhu.edu
Fax +34 958 248993
mneuro99 at atc.ugr.eshttp://atc.ugr.es/mneuro99