HI I have a midterm tomorrow night in science Psych and I just CAN NOT get
this concept. I assume this is really elementary for most of you, so I hope
someone will take the time to help me. A personal response via email is
also appreciated, for Im sending this out to many NG;s in hopes of getting
an answer and will be studying for it all day 2morrow. much thanks in
OK, here goes.......
In patients who have had their corpus collossum cut, when you show them an
apple in their LEFT visual field, can they:
A) describe what they saw?
B) pick up the apple?
I know this has something to do with the R/L hemispheres, and control of
body being on the opposite hemisphere......also does it have something to
do with language in the L hemisphere, and motor coordination in the R? How
does it differ from if I showed the apple in her RIGHT visual field?
man im confused
please help
my addy is Hybrid at concentric.net
thank you very much
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