Homing Robot

john at nine7.demon.co.uk john at nine7.demon.co.uk
Sun Jul 26 19:05:40 EST 1998

About the homing robot.
I know a guy who works with Professor Kevin Warwick head of the
Cybernetics dept in Reading University, here in Berkshire, England.
As you may know KW has apeared on TV all over the world, discussing
the burgening power of computers and robots being dangerous.
He almost always apears with his Dwarves.
These are like those model cars that are radio controlled, but
they are automous with ultrasonic eyes.
They are trained to avoid obsticles that are quick moving such as more of
They are also trained to follow a leader at a distance, somtimes.
The leader either has infrared leds or a sonic transmiter to identify
The dept has sold kits in the past, of these neural net robots
and also has done advanced projects for many companies.
I think the kits are made in the USA.
Maybe the site www.solarbotics.com/ could be where they deal with
the usual kits.

The departments site is www.cyber.reading.ac.uk/ and has an email link.
But if this does not help I can contact my friend directly or
send a letter to KW.

Dr. Kevin Warwick
For further information please contact:

Department of Cybernetics,
The University of Reading,
Whiteknights, PO Box 225
Reading, RG6 6AY, UK.

Telephone: +44 (0)118 9318219
Facsimile: +44 (0)118 9318220
Email: Dpt.Cyb at cyber.reading.ac.uk
WWW: http://www.cyber.reading.ac.uk/

I hope this helps in the future.

Where would you like automation/ Robotics to stop?
Where do you think automation/ Robotics will stop?

John Biosicfix www.nine7.demon.co.uk         Lots of links
*****Us neurons dont know very much, this is a sure thing****

Did you know computers double in power every 18 months?

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