Post Doctoral position in Neurophysiology

Ehud Kaplan kaplane at rockvax.rockefeller.edu
Mon Jul 27 11:33:21 EST 1998

Ehud Kaplan wrote in message <6pi30r$gek$1 at news.cuny.edu>...
>Post Doctoral position in Neurophysiology
>A post Doctoral position in mammalian neurophysiology is available
>immediately at The Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City.  The
>research involves work on cortical organization and dynamics, using optical
>imaging, electrophysiology, and computer simulations and analysis.  We
>prefer people with prior experience in (quantitative) neurophysiology who
>are computer literate.
>Our group includes: Ehud Kaplan, Larry Sirovich, Bruce Knight and others.
>You can get an idea about our research interests at:
>The Mount Sinai School of Medicine is an equal opportunity employer.
>Please send your CV and names of 3 references (with a phone number or
>Dr. Ehud Kaplan,
>The Mount Sinai School of Medicine
>Box 1183
>One Gustave Levy Place,
>NY, NY, 10029
>Phone: (212) 241-9607
>Fax: (212) 289-5945
>The best mode of communication is by email:
>kaplane at rockvax.rockefeller.edu

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