Welcome, friend or foe, cyborg or humanorg, to the Mon 27 Jul 1998
session of the Neuro, AI, Robotics seminar on the worldwide Usenet.
In <35B82514.212A1620 at papyrus.mhri.edu.au> of 24 Jul 1998 from
http://www.mhri.edu.au the Mental Health Research Institute at
The University of Melbourne, our codiscussant Stephen Wood writes:
>> A deep concept is one or more ganged fibers holding a concept of
>> a phenomenon by virtue of holding all the associative tags which
>> define and record and remember that phenomenon.
Stephen Wood:
> Hmm. Now you have to define ganged fibres, concept (still),
> phenomenon, and associative tags.
> And I'm not too impressed by the definition of deep.
>> Follow links from
>>http://www.scn.org/~mentifex/ to read the Nolarbeit Theory Journal,
>> which, although it is enshrined in some kind of monument to mad
>> scientists at Carnegie Mellon University, is nevertheless the very
>> instrument by which the above-diagrammed Standard AI Mind Model arose.
Stephen Wood:
> People who live in glass houses...
Next on 25 Jul 1998 our distinguished Dr. F. Frank LeFever of the
http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Lab/6117/board.html New York
Neuropsychology Group in <6pbfnk$1lv at sjx-ixn8.ix.netcom.com> writes:
> Does ANYBODY in the newsgroup besides Mentifex see ANY trace of
> Hubel & Wiesel in that stupid diagram?
> Even if it WERE based on this level of analysis, it would
> obviously have nothing to do with ANY of the terms in that
>"diagram" (maybe just a graphically elaborated LIST?), even
> the putatively "visual" terms, no matter how broadly interpreted.
>"Image percept engrams"??? "Visual memory"??? "Recognition"??
> How silly can you get and still stay out of the silly farm?
> Have you, at long last, sir, no shame?? [ Shades of Sen. McCarthy! ]
The diagram in question:
/^^^^^^^^^^^\ The Architecture of a Robot Brain /^^^^^^^^^^^\
/visual memory\ ________ / auditory \
| /--------|-------\ / syntax \ |episodic memory|
| | recog-|nition | \________/---|-------------\ |
| ___|___ | | | | _______ | |
| /image \ | __V___ ___V___ | /stored \ | |
| / percept \ | /deep \------/lexical\----|--/ phonemes\| |
| \ engrams /---|---/concepts\----/concepts \---|--\ of words/ |
| \_______/ | \________/ \_________/ | \_______/ |
The "ganged fibres" are simply redundant parallel nerve fibers
holding a concept--which is in turn a collection of associative
tags--which are neuronal fibers leading from the abstract con-
ceptual fibers to the concrete engrams in the sensory channels.
Concepts above are "deep" in the Chomskyan sense that they under-
lie, at the profoundest level, the linguistic generation of ideas.
When a thought forms as the dynamic interaction of the "deep" con-
cepts, activity bubbles upwards through the "shallow" lexical
concepts, where rigid structures of Chomskyan syntax fetch words
and morphemes stored in auditory memory to create a new sentence.
The auditory system then consciously hears itself think that idea.
Dr. LeFever, sometimes History taps a man on the shoulder and he
must choose to take advantage of that tide in the affairs of men
which leads on to fortune. Please consider such options as wear-
ing to your meetings a nametag or button: "Ask me about Mentifex."
Be either the great debunker of Mentifex or the great Dr. LeFever.