A Cyborg Bill of Rights

Rob and Stef rdunca19 at idt.net
Sun Jul 26 15:36:53 EST 1998

Rick Harker wrote:
> > Your vague points are funny.
> What about the definite points. Um...not that I noticed any...
> > Ive re-read your post and havent a clue as to your point.
> You are not alone, my friend.

Rick, I am in debt to you.  You gave me the first good chuckle Iv'e had
in a long while.

When I was saying "so what?" and "who gives a sh&t".  I was only
refering to someone being upset over pulling the plug or hitting the off
switch.  They will be marvels that mankind has never seen and they willl
create future marvels that we cant even imagine.  I have no doubt that
they will someday feel and emote. Even attaining true sentience.  But
they will not be alive.  Unless we change our standards of what we
consider valuable I see problems ahead.  It is all fine and dandy to
feel compasion for fellow intellects, but we must always remember that
they will not be "us". 

By any definition used today they would be considered "alive".  We need
to change that definition.  

I'm just spouting to spout. feel free to ignore me.  ;*)


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