Are Brains Smarter Than Us?

Cijadrachon cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Sat Jul 25 05:36:24 EST 1998

>Our sence of self arises from simple existance outside of influences of
Double error.

> When we behave without emotion 
How do you do that?  
What is the docking off sequence you are using?
And when you dock of the basolateral amygdala how do you perent
autonomic sendings of that sector? Maybe this is nonsense, but central
amygdala is not that far, is it, but far from you in comparison...? 

>that is when we are "aware".  
I am aware wether linked to the emotion generators or not, that is
more a question of deep sleep / awake or something like that... but
meaning aware of the self the next is sort of right...

>Otherwise it is like being influenced by programing. >

>My dog is certainly aware to a point. 
Probably more aware on many outer ranges than you are often...
> You can see that he is thinking,
Well, what do you believe parts of the cholinergic limbic system are
good for? What do we mammals have two vast structures in the brain
that can think for...  

> So... life, existance, self awareness... is an emotional illusion 
Self-awareness of which sectors, what do the own sectors have to do
with emotions (with few exeptions), and where is the illusional bit?

>that replaced more structured *but less usefull* "instincts" 
My life depends on some of what you might call instincts, and
depending on the areas some of them might be ways more usefull then
some of the newer sectors/functions.  And if you were to look an
itsy-bitsy around in your head you might notice that f.e. the
emotional programs of the mammal-emotion-sender are ways more complex
than of the older aggression and rank-fighting sector,  and analyzing
their programs a bit longer again and then withdrawing and then
docking and then withdrawing again, eventually you might come to
realize that a lot of what you just said is nonsense

I have been deleting nearly all data concerning some of that stuff
within me, but there are still enough fragments left to know if a real
brain-surfer is talking or if someone making up nonsense.
And you are part of the time.)

>to promote survival of chemical processies that have no way other to behave than
>the pre-ordaned laws of physics demands.

(I get the impression you understand magic even less well than yours &
surrounding sectors.)

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