Your headline makes no sense to me.
Do you define "us"as not of the brain?
I do not know why you say "help" and do not understand why it is so
urgent for you.
If I see the reasons why there is a real, seriously urgent need for
you to know if I can rely on that you keep it to yourself I can tell
you of some areas to what degree they are (not) conscious, thinking or
quite some other stuff. And also some days for many hours link part of
my systems to another brain and transfer magic perception data and
alter the according stuff in the other if that should be real urgent,
say someone has MS or something like that.
But though you do say help you do not sound like you are an inch of
dropping 6 feet under the ground.
...By the way, all mammals have conscious areas in the limbic system,
and I do not get why you are segregating that much between us and
others, we are about as different as our bones in some aspects.
The neuros don't want to lose their (test) victims and the farmers not
theirs and those needing cuddling replacement not theirs, so there is
usually no interest of the system branches to discuss Alzheimer data
or the far more exact location statements of some of the brainsufers,
and they rather make up bunches of lies and weirdo theories to hush it
up like in the last decade.
At summer solstice there was an entire hush up congress in Bremen in
Germany, of which I got the fleeting impression that it had about as
much interest about the real centers of consciousnesses as the South
of the USA back then about discussing if slaves are not property but
people & according freedom.
Most I met who know a lot about some of the answers to your question
have no interest to discuss too much with the Western systems. It was
tradition to burn those able to go into another mind straight, and
today it is short of tradition to drug those who know too much about
the brain into oblivion or until they give up on it.
Ask the "fevering Frankenstein" in this group, he's for that, or look
around in the USA what they do already with the according children,
class II drugs, (?)beta-endorphine blockers or something like that...
Welcome to Earth.
Some years maybe look around on it and understand a bit about what so
many people(s) have found out about the mind in so many thousand of
years of hard research.
If you reach a certain point you can vampire through some of the
systems like a leech sucking in data... only what comes out combined
might be so spooky, that you might wish you never had - or at least
had a spaceship to leave once the wrong ones find out, too.
(I start to understand the high secrecy politics of many magical
branches better and better...)