Hello all. I was just wondering if anyone know someone who is a
Neuro Resident at Mass General and is in the
Palm III program. I'm a biomedical engineer who's been using a Pilot
for a few years now and would like to know how
the program is going. I've thinking about developing a few medical apps
for the PIII among other projects...all while
considering applying to medical school. Anyway, if you are in the
program or know someone who is I'd love to find
out more. I've tried to contact John Lester, the systems specialist for
the neuro dept., but haven't had a reply yet.
Anyone interested in this finding should check out the NY Times article
that was posted on July 19th.
Mark Punyanitya
VUSE Class of 1997
Current CV: http://pages.nyu.edu/~mvp204/resume.html
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