IL-1 and LTP

F. Frank LeFever flefever at ix.netcom.com
Fri Jul 24 22:32:24 EST 1998

See comments at bottom.

In <35B61383.3D20 at mail.tju.edu> mark <mark.haynes at mail.tju.edu> writes:

>F. Frank LeFever wrote:
>> Apparently IL-1 joins the list of things which will either prevent
>> promote IL-1, depending on amount and/or timing.
>> After many in vitro studies showing preventin of LTP by IL-1, and
>> behavioral studies which could be interpreted as supporting a
>> detrimental effect of IL-11 on earning/memory, perhaps at the LTP
>> a recent Proc Nat Acad Sci (USA) report suggests IL-1 in some
>> amount is NECESSARY for LTP.
>> In referring to the in vitro and behavioral studies, authors say
>> used levels of IL-1 far in excess of what might be produced
>> endogenously except during inflammation.  Before I try to track down
>> all the prior authors and put the question to them, does anybody
>> reading this have an opinion (preferably based on data) as to levels
>> used in such studies???
>> F. Frank LeFever, Ph.D.
>> New York Neuropsychology Group
>What were the levels?  I'm guessing that behavioral studies involved
>vivo admin. so there are complications with other things in serum and
>as I'm sure you know.

Hoping to hear from people familiar enough with the studies to evaluate
on that basis.  However, IF you're privy to info re levels under
natural conditions (sickness and health), I'll happily dig out and post
data BEARING on the likely brain levels (i.e. description of
cncentrations admministered and routes); not sure even estimates of
brain levels available, much less direct measurement.

Some behavioral studies used (peripheral) IV injection, others

Apparently many problems in assessing IL-1 levels even in serum and/or
problems of timing cructial--e.g. difficulty finding even in overtt
infection, according to some studies, but found in others (e.g. in
atypical depression vs. classical depression etc.).

Interested in expert opinion, data, re any and all of this.


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