A Cyborg Bill of Rights

Rick Harker aibrain at usa.net
Fri Jul 24 05:45:04 EST 1998

Peter Hesketh wrote:

> >yup.  And your point is...?  If we reduce our humanity to having it on
> >par with creations of science, whats the point of existing? Serious.
We don't even need to go that far in order to ponder why existing.

> Seriuosly, humanity, like all life, is a creation of science.
Um, nope. Science is a human invention. Not the other way around.

> As a member of the top tribe on this planet (homo sapiens) I would want to protect people against extermination by other concious beings, and therefore would restrict the rights of non-biological entities, but only from selfish self-preservation reasons, not because I felt superior.

Why not not restrict the rights of non-bios, and start stopping who/what
ever is doing the killing.

But I see and partly agree with your point.

> Twenty reasons why chocolate is better than sex: number 13
> "You don't get hairs in your mouth with chocolate."
Cool! I'm gonna hafta go try some chocolate!

"Epert sart as" -Humfrey the Expert Wrestler [Britain, Pacific]
(Part-time Animal Tamer, Fletcher, Identifier, Tailor, Wizard, 
Wrestler, and all around nice guy. Look for the guy in the blue
hat and robe)
...if ye say "AIBrain", I'll give thee 500 gold pieces!

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