A Cyborg Bill of Rights

Rick Harker aibrain at usa.net
Fri Jul 24 05:37:01 EST 1998

Malkavian wrote:
> As to most of the rights you've applied..  I'm sorry..   They're a
> complete load of male bovine quadruped faeces...

> And what is a right anyway???   It's just a method of denying
> responsibility for something you've done...

> I think a structure of
> responsibilities would be a good place to start.  If everything meets
> it's responsibility, you don't need rights (these having been met
> through somebody else's responsibility).
So...let everyone else do their responsibilities ...nice idea.

> Get real, get a life.
He (Arthur) (& me too) have had/are living/will be living a life. Get

> There is _no_ progress in this 'bill of rights'..
There _is_ progress. By stating that there hasn't been, you are
contradicting your own statement.

> And anyway, a cyborg is a cybernetic lifeform, based on a biological framework, and > augmented with mechanical.
I have been wondering about that also...I agree with you there.

> Robot != Cyborg.
Uh, I assume this is C for "Robot does NOT equal Cyborg"?

> Unless of course you've been spoon fed on old 50s sci fi movies.
Are they good movies? Maybe you could post a list of which ones to(not)

> Now, please...   Back to life, and please get one Mentifex.
There's not too many things I hate worse than other people telling
someone else to 'get a life'. Sure shows intelligence there... a helping
hand too! (sarcasm implied)

> I've written data searches that provide better and more appropriate 'rights
> lists' than those you've given.
Actually, I would be interested in learning how these data searches (or
do you mean data mining) are done.

> *I'll believe it's a live when it steps out of the room, tells me*
> *it's alive, and invites me out for a beer                       *
Yep. Same here. 'Cept for the ole beer. Yuck.

"Epert sart as" -Humfrey the Expert Wrestler [Britain, Pacific]
(Part-time Animal Tamer, Fletcher, Identifier, Tailor, Wizard, 
Wrestler, and all around nice guy. Look for the guy in the blue
hat and robe)
...if ye say "AIBrain", I'll give thee 500 gold pieces!

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