A Cyborg Bill of Rights

Rick Harker aibrain at usa.net
Fri Jul 24 05:39:17 EST 1998

Rob and Stef wrote:
> When AI creates its first sentient being, and it will, who gives a shit?
Holy crap!
Are you saying that after *we* create a true AI.
And then *it* creates something beyond even itself...
My! You _are_ limited in your midset aren't you!

> It'll be just a hunk of metal. (or whatever)
Yah, or whatever.

"Epert sart as" -Humfrey the Expert Wrestler [Britain, Pacific]
(Part-time Animal Tamer, Fletcher, Identifier, Tailor, Wizard, 
Wrestler, and all around nice guy. Look for the guy in the blue
hat and robe)
...if ye say "AIBrain", I'll give thee 500 gold pieces!

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