REQ: info. on retinal slice preparation for electrophysiology

Bikash Ranjan Pattnaik pattnaik at neurochem.u-strasbg.fr
Fri Jul 24 09:15:24 EST 1998


I am planning some experiments on retinal slices.

I'd like to hear from you suggestions on the best method to follow for
preparing such slices,
so that the cells could be recorded with a single microelectrode.

I have already tried 2 methods: the "U"-shaped metallic mesh rounded
with nylon string and
also the one using filter paper with vacuum grease. If you have some
good tips about the first
method developed by Wesley's lab please let me know.

Thank you.


Bikash Pattnaik-Ranjan
Retinal Physiopathology Lab,
Strasbourg, France.

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