Walter Eric Johnson wrote on 24 Jul 1998:
>>Mentifex (mentifex at wrote:
>: Yes, but look at where that article is archived in perpetuum,
>: at the Brain Research Institute of the University of California
>: at Los Angeles (UCLA) -- on a par with Texas Agricultural and
>: Mining University.
>>I assume you are referring to Texas A&M University. FWIW, Texas
>A&M has a fine medical neurobiology department in the Medical
>>Also, the A&M in Texas A&M University do not stand for anything.
>They used to stand for Agricultural & Mechanical, but that was
>changed some number of years ago.
>>Eric Johnson
Thank you for that information. I (Arthur/"Mentifex") like to
cite Texas A & M because I am a native Texan, born in Dallas in 1946.
(My father was attending Southwestern Medical College at the time.)
I've been posting a lot, but now I am sick after nightlong in-
digestion, so I will bow out for a while, ceding the floor to the
gentleman (Dr. LeFever) from New York. Thanks, everybody. My Take on "to pan" -- Greek
for "the everything," "the All." - Arthur T. Murray