(Humborg) Standard Model of the Mentifex

F. Frank LeFever flefever at ix.netcom.com
Thu Jul 23 22:51:17 EST 1998

In <SCOTT.98Jul22105645 at slave.doubleu.com> scott at nospam.doubleu.com
(Scott Hess) writes: 
>In article <6p50i2$4j9 at web.nmti.com>,
>	peter at nmti.com (Peter da Silva) writes:
>   In article <35b5c7c3.0 at news.victoria.tc.ca>,
>	Mentifex <mentifex at scn.org> wrote:
>   > The Mentifex campaign to introduce a default Standard Mind Model
>   > is a virus of the neuroscientific mind infectiously contaminating
>   > one laboratory after another, leaping from campus to campus and
>   > from consciousness to consciousness.
>   So why then is it that nobody other than "Mentifex
>   <mentifex at scn.org>" ever mentions it?
>   *sigh*
>While 10,000 monkeys at 10,000 typewriters might _eventually_ produce
>Hamlet or Othello, they'll _never_ duplicate the thought processes
>behind the original manuscript.
>To put it another way, 10,000 curious idiots discussing a problem will
>never solve the problem unless some of them actually _do_ something
>about it.  Mentifex seems to think that if we get enough people
>discussing the topic, computer intelligence will emerge from the stew.
>Well, we _already_ have an intelligence that's an emergent property of
>its hardware, and we have relatively little understanding of how _it_
>The first couple times Mentifex posted, it was cute.  That was years
>ago, now it's just demented,
>scott hess <scott at doubleu.com> (408) 739-8858 http://www.doubleu.com/
><Favorite unused computer book title: The Compleat Demystified Idiots
>  Guide to the Zen of Dummies in a Nutshell in Seven Days, Unleashed>

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