Looking for degree type structure for learning neuroscience.

F. Frank LeFever flefever at ix.netcom.com
Thu Jul 23 22:11:13 EST 1998

An abitious undertaking!  My first impulse was to suggest that you send
for some college catalogues, both undergrad and grad, but of course
this would leave you without the reading list--UNLESS you live near a
college bookstore which has lists of texts indexed by courses each

In a sense, you have already outline the beginnings of a foormal course
sequence, i.e. basic courses in chemistry, physics, biology, etc.;
certainly an introductory psych text, which should include suggested
further readings in special areas, e.g. experimental psych,
physiological psych, learning, motivation, etc.

Are you saying you are starting without any college courses?  This is
difficult, because it's not just a matter of reading--you need a chance
to try out your ideas in clsssroom discussion and/or papers and get
feedback as to validiity of your approach and interpretation.  I tthink
some of the off-the-wall postings we get in this newsgroup may be due
to much reading witthout this sort of criticism, eventualy producing
some strange mixtures of fact and nonsense and no discipline for
disentangling the two.

IF you have sufficient background in this sort of academic give and
take, you MIGHT be able to learn quite a lot by plunging into some
neuroscience articles (e.g. in the journal Nature, the popular magazine
Scientific American, journals such as Brain, Neuropsychologia, etc.,
etc.) and looking for terms you don't understand in basic texts--i.e.,
almost the reverse of the more formal plan.

F. LeFever
New York Neuropsychology Group

In <35B66A7A.40C7C29E at otsi.com> John McCormack <jpmccor at otsi.com>
>    I wish to study neuroscience in my own time, I am interested in
>mind, and so will need to know a lot about the brain.  I would like to
>do something like a degree course, following the same sort of
>and course content.   Seems to be the best way to learn it.
>Is there such a thing as a degree course in neuroscience or similar
>which I can get a course description, and a list of books, etc. that I
>should study for each class/year of the course ?.
>This way I can learn the necessary chemistry, biology, psychology,
>in the correct order and detail at the correct time.
>Thanks in advance for any information you can give me.

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