Bill Skaggs wrote:
>> "Rugrat" <johnhkm at> writes:
> >
> > . . . Over the last few months more evidence, postings by doctors
> > (Anthro L, good archived discussion on it) who have witnessed similiar and
> > expressed some astonishment. I accept the reality that there are some normal
> > people who by most current understandings should be dithering emotionally
> > unpredictable unconscious automatons.
>> I'm not quite ready to accept this "reality". A couple of years ago
> I attempted a literature search for documented case studies of people
> with severely shrunken brains and normal intelligence. I didn't come
> up with anything. Now I admit that I'm much more familiar with the
> neuroscience literature than the medical literature, so it's quite
> possible that I didn't know where to look. Can anybody help? I'm not
> talking about second-hand discussions, or TV shows (even BBC ones), or
> internet mailing lists, I'm talking about a good published case study
> with solid quantification of the damage. Is there such a thing?
>> -- Bill
Yes, just such a "thing" is responding to you right now. Am I that
great an anomaly? I even had an e-mail from someone who disputes the
verity af my statements.
Once when my neuro had in some res's I asked him how it is that I could
be so damn smart and completly normal. (outside of a fried brain)
Everyone turned to him waiting for some profound answer. He just
shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't know".
Nobody has contatcted me wanting to do an in depth study though. I
wouldnt participate if I had been, so I guess its a moot point.