A hypothetical example...

Malcolm MacLeod mmacleod at tms-co.com
Thu Jul 23 05:18:34 EST 1998

John Piccirillo <jpiccirillo at sigmatechinc.com> wrote:

> Tony Johnson wrote:
> > -describe to you're self in your own words, what the difference is you
> > observe between the colors blue and red...
>    Blue hurts my eyes.

Well, since this is Usenet... I wonder how many people will attack
you because you are "wrong" about blue.  And how many people will
demand to see your PROOF about blue.  And, this being Usenet, I'm
certain at least one person will demand that you admit you were
wrong when you said you Hate *Yellow*.


"Usenet is like a herd of performing elephants with diarrhea:
massive, difficult to redirect, awe-inspiring, entertaining,
and a source of mind-boggling amounts of excrement."
 --spaf at cs.purdue.edu 

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