Bryan J. Maloney "bjm10 at" on Thurs 23 Jul 1998 wrote:
> Mentipoo--you never responded to my little vocabulary quiz...
> [...]
Mentifex/Arthur here, Dr. Maloney. I responded immediately and
without recourse to aides-memoire, but I did notice that my ISP
in Canada for some reason had a long delay in propagating news.
(All the pertinent reference-ID's have been inserted above.)
Today the new Nietzschean-"dynamite" Mentifex Webcyc at the URL extended and embraced Mind.forth Robot AI:
Hearing Vision Concepts Volition Emotion Motor Output
/iiiiiii\ /!i!i!i!\ /YYYYYYYYYYYY\
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| ||||||| || | ___ | | + | |||||||||||| |
| ||||||| || /old\ | + | |S|||||||||| |
| ||||||| || (image)-|---+_ | |H|||||||||| |
| ||||||| || \___/ | / \ | |A|||||||||| |
| ||||||| || | (idea) __ | |K|||||||||| |
| | ||||| || | \__/---------------/ \ | |E|||R|||||| |
| |d------||---------|---+ ____ (fear)-|--*|||U|||||| |
| ||||o|| || _____ | +-------/ \----\__/ | |||||N|||P|| |
| ||g|||| || / re- \-|---+ / de- \---------|------*|||E|| |
| || |||| ||/entrant\| + ( ci- ) | |||||||||T|| |
| ||||||| ||\ image /| + \ sion /---------|----------*|| |
| ||||||| || \_____/ | + \____/ | |||||||||||| |
Dr. Maloney! Workers in bionet.neuroscience are starting to open
up to radically new ideas and are showing curiosity about this AI
mind-model. Let us all quit bickering and discuss serious ideas.
A commercial software venture would not dare to reveal its battle
plan, but we (neurons) at the Green Lake site of Mentifex AI have
no such compunctions. Here is a scenario of the near neurofuture.
People thrill to recognition of their own efforts and achievement,
so the above Webcyc will gradually swell with all-inclusive links
to every imaginable robotics and alife project. Meanwhile coding
will resume on Mind.forth AI and the source code will be released.
After Mind.forth takes flight, 26nov1994 Mind.rexx will be redone.
To lead the discussion, Dr. Maloney, which part of the AI diagram
most merits your comment, and what have you to tell le tout neuro-
science about a synergy with robotics and artificial intelligence?