A Cyborg Bill of Rights

Peter Hesketh pbh at phesk.demon.co.uk
Thu Jul 23 16:39:46 EST 1998

In article <35B79D74.2EFA at idt.net>, Rob and Stef <rdunca19 at idt.net>
>Why does and will she have more rights than an AI?  Because she can
>feel, she can have emotions, she can cry.

One day, machines will do these things for the same reason we do.  They
will evolve thm in order to survive better like we did.  All my
statements and assumptions rely on one basic assumption: that once we
program a thinking machine it will do its own improvements/evlution from
then on, and will reproduce itself, probably in symbiosis with homo

To those who say computers cannot reproduce, I would say that they can
already.  My work PC can order more of itself to be installed in my
office by its servants/symbiotes, ie my orqueurs-de-vaches.  The order
can state that certain software is installed which makes them order more
still ---
Regards, Peter Hesketh  Monmouthshire UK
Twenty reasons why chocolate is better than sex: number 13
"You don't get hairs in your mouth with chocolate."

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