If AI/ALIFE (The latter of which I study quite heavily) develops true
consciousness/sentience, then we apply the law to it in the standard
It's alive right?? If it's consciousness is that of a dog, we apply
the law to it as we would a dog. If it develops human (or above)
consciousness, then we apply the law in a suitable manner again.
If (when) they get that self-aware, I really don't think they'd
appreciate being condescended in that kind of way..
As to most of the rights you've applied.. I'm sorry.. They're a
complete load of male bovine quadruped faeces...
And what is a right anyway??? It's just a method of denying
responsibility for something you've done... I think a structure of
responsibilities would be a good place to start. If everything meets
it's responsibility, you don't need rights (these having been met
through somebody else's responsibility).
Get real, get a life.
There is _no_ progress in this 'bill of rights'.. And anyway, a cyborg
is a cybernetic lifeform, based on a biological framework, and augmented
with mechanical. Robot != Cyborg. Unless of course you've been spoon
fed on old 50s sci fi movies.
Now, please... Back to life, and please get one Mentifex. I've
written data searches that provide better and more appropriate 'rights
lists' than those you've given.
Forget failing a Turing test, you've not even passed the search
algorithm level yet.
*I'll believe it's a live when it steps out of the room, tells me*
*it's alive, and invites me out for a beer *