John Atwood deVries II <aubois at> wrote on 23 Jul 1998
>Mentifex wrote:
>>>> F. Frank LeFever (flefever at on 17.jul.1998 writes:
>> > I missed the beginning of this joke, having been in Budapest for a
>> > meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society.
>>>> The next time you are at a neuroscience meeting, ask some of the
>> senior people whether they think that it is a joke.
>>Name three. I require that they have published books. Just for jollies,
>the books have to be currently available from Amazon...
Arthur (vel Mentifex) here. I don't know who they are. The idea
is for Dr. LeFever and other newsgroup readers to ask around at
the meetings, then report back to us all on the Usenet. If they
previously had no opinion or cognizance, suddenly they will.
It's what The New York Times calls "buzz."
>> Look at the
>> Society for
>> the History of the Neurosciences at the Brain Research Institute.
>>Referring to an article you wrote yourself doesn't count. Your argument
>against your cant being a joke is, as of yet, not convincing. Try again.
Yes, but look at where that article is archived in perpetuum,
at the Brain Research Institute of the University of California
at Los Angeles (UCLA) -- on a par with Texas Agricultural and
Mining University. Ergo, even if I choke to death today at the
Honey Bear cafe or drown in Green Lake, the Mentifex Standard
Model of the Mind for Neuroscience, AI and Robotics has Trojan-
Horsed not just some ephemeral newsgroup of neuro chitchat,
but verily the citadel, the untouchable sanctum of the scribes
and fact-checkers of Neuro-History itself, than which there is
no higher instance or court of further resort.
>Also: although I'm leaving it alone, your over-extensive cross-posting
>shows an utter disregard for Netiquette. Honestly -- do you think the
>people in comp.arch & give a damn about your rather
>weak argument against your delusions being a joke? I think not.
Now just a nanosecond there. The original post was totally
appropriate to both comp.arch and newsgroups.
The comp.arch heavyweights (they play around with billions of
dollars and with the very future of computing) have got to grok
the necessity of building computer architectures fashioned after
brain-style associative grids rather than number-crunching Behemoths
built-to-order for the U.S. Department of Energy (nuclear waste).
The people (almost as important as historians)
were being alerted to the new style of Web portal now online at Encyclopedia Mentifica.