A Cyborg Bill of Rights

Rob and Stef rdunca19 at idt.net
Thu Jul 23 14:34:43 EST 1998

Matthew Billmers wrote:
> Rob and Stef wrote in message <35B6E94C.7020 at idt.net>...
> >> Mentifex wrote a bunch of drivel snipped...
> >
> >When AI creates its first sentient being, and it will, who gives a shit?
> >
> >It'll be just a hunk of metal. (or whatever)
> Pardon me for playing Devil's advocate, but...
> When nature created the first sentient being, and it did, who gave a s***?
> It was just a hunk of cells.
> -Matt

yup.  And your point is...?  If we reduce our humanity to having it on
par with creations of science, whats the point of existing? Serious.


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