A Cyborg Bill of Rights

Peter Hesketh pbh at phesk.demon.co.uk
Thu Jul 23 14:48:01 EST 1998

In article <35B79053.4B4E at idt.net>, Rob and Stef <rdunca19 at idt.net>
>yup.  And your point is...?  If we reduce our humanity to having it on
>par with creations of science, whats the point of existing? Serious.

Seriuosly, humanity, like all life, is a creation of science.  I see no
difference except in degree, of the conciousness of a machine or a
person.  As a member of the top tribe on this planet (homo sapiens) I
would want to protect people against extermination by other concious
beings, and therefore would restrict the rights of non-biological
entities, but only from selfish self-preservation reasons, not because I
felt superior.
Regards, Peter Hesketh  Monmouthshire UK
Twenty reasons why chocolate is better than sex: number 13
"You don't get hairs in your mouth with chocolate."

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